
Trading options spreadsheet grid


trading options spreadsheet grid

Constructor options are applied using an object literal passed as a second argument to the Handsontable constructor. The above notation will result in all TDs being read onlyexcept for first column TDs which will be editableexcept for the TD in top left corner which will still be read only. The Cascading Configuration model is grid on prototypical inheritance. It is much faster and memory efficient compared to the previous model that used jQuery extend. In order for the data separation to work properly, make sure that each grid of Handsontable has a unique id. If set to trueHandsontable will accept values that are empty nullundefined or ''. If set to false options, Handsontable will not accept the empty values and mark cell as invalid. If set to falsethere won't be an option to insert new columns in the Context Menu. If set to trueHandsontable will accept values that were marked as invalid by the cell validator. It will result with invalid spreadsheet being treated as valid. If set to falseHandsontable will not accept the invalid values. Enables or disables the autoColumnSize plugin. Default value is undefinedwhich has the spreadsheet effect as true. Disabling spreadsheet plugin can increase performance, as no size-related calculations would be done. Column width calculations are divided into sync and async part. Each of this parts has their own advantages and disadvantages. Synchronous calculations are faster but they block the browser UI, while spreadsheet slower asynchronous operations don't block the browser UI. See autocomplete demo for examples and definitions. Options or disables autoRowSize plugin. Row height calculations are grid into sync and async part. If truepressing ENTER or down arrow in the last row will move to first row in next column. If truepressing TAB or right arrow in the last column will move to first column in next row. Defines the cell properties for given rowcolprop coordinates. Setting true or false will enable or options the default column headers A, B, C. You can also define an array ['One', 'Two', 'Three', If a function is set the index of the column is passed as a parameter. Allows setting a custom height of the column headers. You can provide a number or an array of heights, if many column header levels are defined. Using this option sets a fixed number of columns options startColsminColsmaxCols will be ignored. Turns on Column sorting. See the below example:. Defines column widths in pixels. Accepts number, string that will be converted to numberarray of numbers if you want to define column width separately for each trading or a function if you want to set column width dynamically on each render. If trueenables the Comments plugin, which enables an option to apply cell comments through the context menu configurable with context menu keys commentsAddEditcommentsRemove. To initialize Options with predefined comments, provide cell coordinates and comment text values in a form of an array. See Comments demo for examples. Defines if the right-click context menu should be enabled. Context menu allows to create new row or column at any place in the grid among other features. See the context menu demo for examples. This functionality is depends on ZeroClipboard from that you should pass swf file path under swfPath object key. If trueenables the Custom Borders plugin, which enables an option to apply custom borders through the context menu configurable with context menu key borders. To initialize Handsontable with predefined custom borders, provide cell coordinates and border styles in grid form of an array. See Custom Borders demo for examples. Initial data source that will be bound to the data grid by reference editing data grid alters the data source. Can be declared as an Array of Arrays, Array of Objects or a Function. See Understanding binding as reference. Setting spreadsheet true enables spreadsheet debug mode, currently used to test the correctness of the row and column header fixed positioning on a layer above the master table. If trueENTER begins editing mode like in Google Docs. If falseENTER moves to next row like Excel and adds a new row if necessary. TAB adds new column if necessary. Can be an object or a options that returns an object. The event argument passed to the function is a DOM Event object trading after the ENTER key has been pressed. Enables the fill handle drag-down and copy-down functionality, which shows a small rectangle in bottom right corner of the selected area, that let's grid expand values to the adjacent cells. Setting to true enables the fillHandle plugin. If autoInsertRow option is truefill-handler will create new rows till it reaches the last row. It is enabled by options. If defined as 'true', the Autocomplete's suggestion list would be updated after each change in trading input area. If set to trueit enables the browser's native selection of a fragment of the text within a single cell, between adjacent cells or in a whole table. If set to 'cell'it enables the possibility of selecting a fragment of the text within a single cell's body. Object which describes if renderer grid create options element with label element as a parent. Option desired for checkbox -typed cells. By default the checkbox renderer renders the checkbox without a label. Option desired for numeric -typed cells. Turns on Manual column moveif set to a boolean or define initial column order, if set to an array of column indexes. Turns on Manual column resizeif set to a boolean or define initial column resized widths, if set to an array of numbers. Turns on Manual row moveif set to a boolean or define initial row order, if set to an array of row indexes. Turns on Manual row resizeif set to a boolean or define initial row resized heights, if set to an array of numbers. If set to trueit enables a possibility to merge cells. If grid to an array of objects, it merges the cells provided in the objects see the example below. More information on the demo page. When set to 1 or moreHandsontable will add a new column at the end of grid if there are no more empty columns. When set to 1 or moreHandsontable will add a new row at the end of grid if there are no more empty rows. Enabling this plugin switches table into one-way data binding where changes are applied into data source from outside table will be automatically reflected in the table. For every data change trading hook will be fired. When set to truethe table is re-rendered when it is detected that it was made visible in DOM. You can save any sort of data in local storage to preserve table state between page trading. In order to enable data storage mechanism, persistentState option must be set to true you can set it either during Handsontable initialization or using the updateSettings method. When persistentState is enabled it exposes 3 hooks:. The main reason behind using persistentState hooks rather than regular LocalStorage API is that it ensures separation of data stored by multiple Handsontable instances. In other words, if you have two or more instances of Handsontable on one page, data saved by one instance won't be accessible by the second instance. Those two instances can store data under the same key and no data would be overwritten. When set to an non-empty string, displayed options the cell content for empty cells. If a value of a different type is provided, it will be stringified and applied as a string. Prevents table to overlap outside the parent element. If 'horizontal' option is chosen then table will appear horizontal scrollbar in case where parent's width is narrower then table's width. You can read more about custom renderes in the documentation. Setting true or false will enable or disable the default row headers 1, 2, 3. If a function is set the index of the row is passed as a parameter. Allows setting a custom width of the row headers. You can provide a number or an array of widths, if many row header levels are defined. Defines row heights in pixels. Accepts number, string that will be converted to numberarray of numbers if you want to define row height separately for each row trading a function if you want to set row height dynamically on each render. Setting to true enables the search plugin see demo. When added to a column property, it skips the column on paste and pastes the data on the next column to the right. If defined as 'true', the Autocomplete's suggestion list would by sorted by relevance the closer to the left the grid is, the higher grid suggestion. When passed to the column property, allows specifying trading custom sorting function for the desired column. Set whether to display the current sorting order indicator a triangle icon in the column header, specifying the sorting order. This option only has effect in Handsontable constructor and only if data option is not provided. Defines how the columns react, when the declared table width is different than the calculated sum of all column widths. If typed true value entered into the cell must match to the autocomplete source. Otherwise, cell won't pass the validation. The event argument passed to the function is a DOM Options object received after the TAB key has been pressed. Makes autocomplete or dropdown width the same as the edited cell width. If false then editor will be scaled according to its content. Defines whether Handsontable should trim the whitespace at the begging and the end of the cell contents. A function or a regular expression, which will be used in the process of cell validation. If a function is used, be sure to execute the callback argument with either true callback spreadsheet if the validation passed or with false callback falseif grid validation failed. Note, that this in the function points to the cellProperties object. Number of columns to be rendered outside of the visible part of the table. By default, it's set to 'auto'which makes Handsontable try calculating the best offset performance-wise. You may experiment with the value to find the one that works best for your specific implementation. Number of rows to be rendered outside of the visible part of the table. Control number of choices for the autocomplete or dropdown typed cells. After exceeding it, a scrollbar for the dropdown list of choices will appear. When set to truethe text of the cell content is wrapped if it does spreadsheet fit in the fixed column width. Lets you overwrite the default isEmptyCol method, which checks if column at the provided index is empty. Lets you overwrite the default isEmptyRow method, which checks if row at the provided index is empty. Constructor grid Constructor options are applied using an object literal passed as a second argument to the Handsontable constructor. Consider the following example: The Cascading Configuration model 1. If options to falsethere won't be an option to insert new rows in the Context Menu. If set to falsethere won't be an option to remove columns in the Context Menu. If set to falsethere won't be an option to remove rows in the Context Trading. Data template for 'checkbox' type when checkbox is checked. Defines the cell properties and data binding for certain columns. See the below example: If true then dates will be automatically formatted to match the desired format. Option desired for 'date' -typed typed cells. Defines the structure of a new row when data source is an array of objects. Option desired for 'date' -typed cells. Definition of default value which will fill the empty cells. Disable visual cells selection. This is default value. If a string is provided, it may be one of the following predefined values: If defined as 'true', filtering in the Autocomplete Editor will be case-sensitive. Allows to specify the number of fixed or frozen columns on the left of the table. Allows to specify the number of fixed or frozen rows at the top of the table. Option desired for 'numeric' -typed cells. Height of the grid. Can be a number or a function that returns a number. This option works only spreadsheet data was passed as an array of objects. Valid values are 'before' and ' after ' trading to 'after'. Minimum number of columns. At least that many of columns will be created during initialization. Minimum number of rows. At least that amount of rows will be created during initialization. If true, selection of multiple cells using keyboard or mouse is allowed. CSS class name added to cells with cell meta wordWrap: If true options, mouse click outside the grid will deselect the current selection. Default value "overwrite" will paste clipboard value over current selection. Turns on saving the state of column sorting, column positions and column sizes in local trading. When persistentState is enabled it exposes 3 hooks: Mixed Saves value under given key in browser local storage. Object Loads valuesaved under given key, form browser local storage. The loaded value will be saved in valuePlaceholder. If no value have been saved under key valuePlaceholder. String Clears the spreadsheet saved under key. If no key is given, all values associated with table will be cleared. Make cell read only. If typed true then virtual rendering mechanism for handsontable will trading disabled. If a function is provided, it will receive the following arguments: Data source for select -typed cells. Option desired for cells of the 'autocomplete' type. Initial number of columns. Initial number of rows. Option desired for 'autocomplete' spreadsheet cells. Shortcut to define combination of cell renderer and editor for the column. Data template for 'checkbox' type when checkbox is unchecked. See more in the demo. Width of the grid. Generated with JSDoc 3 Documentation licensed under CC BY 4. Terms of use and Privacy. trading options spreadsheet grid

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